Information submitted on the Report + Support platform is reviewed by the University's Equally Safe Team and Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Team. This specialist team support students affected by all forms of gender-based violence (GBV) and bullying & discrimination incidents. 

They are not involved in investigating reports of student or staff misconduct, but they can provide information regarding these processes and support you to decide whether a formal report to the University feels like the right choice for you.
The complaints and disciplinary processes are separate to the Report + Support processes.

Information shared with the Equally Safe Team, the Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination team, through the Report + Support platform, directly through and, is held confidentially. This information will not be detailed in your University records or shared with other members of staff within the University without your consent.
In exceptional circumstances, where the team believe you or someone else may be at significant risk of harm, they may need to share information in line with the privacy notice.

For information on the University's wider privacy statements, please click here.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened