The Advice Place offer free and confidential support, the service is independent from the University. 
You can contact them by phone or email and if you disclose that you have been assaulted or harassed they will prioritise you seeing or talking to an adviser you as soon as they can. 
When you meet with your adviser, they will listen to as much as you want to tell them and then will help you to assess if you want or need to take any immediate action ( for example reporting to the police, moving to alternative housing, asking the University to take some immediate actions to keep you safe). This is led by you and what you want. 
If you decide to report/ complain they will support you in doing so and attend any meetings with you if you wish. They will explain all the processes to you and advocate for you during the meetings if necessary. 
Your adviser will explain all of the options with regards to reporting to the Police and the University,  make you aware of specialist support services and help you to access these if you wish. 
When you come to the Advice Place you will be believed and supported, some students choose to come and speak with an adviser and then do not wish to take any other action, that is completely acceptable, your adviser will support your choices.
The Advice Place

There are two ways you can tell us what happened