Thank you for visiting this platform and taking time to consider sharing your report with specialist teams within the University. We appreciate this can be a difficult decision to make, therefore various links have been included on the platform to help support you through this process, and guide you in making the right decision for you.

This Report + Support Platform is also intended to offer you advice & guidance on a number of different forms of gender-based violence (GBV) and other types of discrimination; you may therefore wish to read all or some of the sections - without the requirement to make a report.

The University takes all allegations of abuse and discrimination seriously and has an Equally Safe Team and offers Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination support to provide a safe space for you to share your experience with their highly trained staff who can offer confidential and individualised guidance and support.

Please note that whilst the Report + Support platform is a means to share information with the Equally Safe and Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Teams reports made here are not formal complaints to the University nor reports to the Student Conduct Team. If you subsequently would like the information you provide via the Report + Support platform to be shared with the Conduct Team, we can discuss this further with you and share this with your permission.

The information submitted via Report + Support will be held confidentially and would only be shared with others in exceptional circumstances. Please see our privacy notice for further details on confidentiality. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened