What happens when I submit a report?
All reports made to Report + Support are confidential and accessed by The Equally Safe Team and The Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Team. If you submit a report and give your name and contact details, a member of the team will aim to contact you within 48 hours to check how you are and discuss the options and support available to you. This is not an official formal report/complaint to the Student Conduct Team.

Further options available to you might include informal advice; supported creation of a wellbeing and safety plan; consideration of investigation by our Student Conduct Team; accessing the Student Counselling Service; information on the legal and criminal justice process; an informal meeting with specialist Police Officers and/or advice on making a formal report to the Police for GBV reports; and access to external health and specialist support services such as Rape Crisis, Women’s Aid and Stop Hate UK.

Can I submit a report anonymously?
The University respects your decision to share your experience anonymously. These reports cannot be traced to you unless you share identifiable information in the body of your report. You may choose this option if you would like the Equally Safe Team or the Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Team to have an awareness of your experience without identifying yourself. The team are unable to offer follow up support to students making anonymous reports, but these reports can raise awareness of issues affecting students and highlight areas and issues of concern to the team and the wider University. This information can then be used to assist in our wider partnership working with local services to promote the safety and wellbeing of our student community.

Can the University support me to report to The Police?
The Equally Safe Team and the Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Team will respect the decision you make whether you choose to report any incidents to the Conduct Team (if the report is against another student or staff member), report to the Police, or choose not to take any further formal action at this stage. This is entirely your decision to make. If you decide you would like to speak to the Police about GBV, we can support you to do this by liaising with our direct contact at Police Scotland’s Public Protection Unit in Edinburgh. They are trained in investigating reports of abuse and harm, and can offer you an informal discussion to enable you to make an informed decision. You may also wish to report anonymously to Crimestoppers.

How do I make a formal report to the University?
Information on Student Conduct procedures can be found here. You can explore this option with the Equally Safe Team, the Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Team or the Advice Place. The University has less legal powers than Police Scotland and the Criminal Justice  System (we cannot detain anyone or gather forensic evidence), but can investigate complaints of gender-based violence (sexual abuse; harassment, stalking, physical & emotional abuse) and of bullying & discrimination (hate crime or hate incident because of their race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, or transgender identity) that are against a University of Edinburgh student (or staff member), under the Code of Student Conduct. This process can’t take place during an active Police investigation, but can take place before or after. The University can however, take precautionary action whilst a Police or criminal investigation is ongoing, to promote your safety and wellbeing on campus.

If you submit a formal complaint against a staff member or student, the University will complete a risk assessment and can utilise options such as temporary suspension of students from the University or parts of the campus. This action does not mean that a complaint has been upheld, but means that the University has taken action to reduce the risk to you and others, based on the information currently available.

Your safety and wellbeing is our key priority.

Is Report + Support the only way I can raise an issue?
No - you can raise an issue with any trusted member of staff such as your supervisor, school student support staff, The Advice Place, your counsellor in the Counselling Service, or with a trusted staff member where you are studying/living in student halls etc.

The University also has an Equally Safe Team which comprises of a specialist Sexual Violence Liaison Manager, and experienced Sexual Violence & Harassment Case Workers. They can be contacted directly at equallysafeteam@ed.ac.uk and via the Report + Support Platform.  We also have an Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Team which comprises of a specialist Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Adviser. They can be contacted directly at reportandsupport@ed.ac.uk and via the Report + Support Platform.

These teams support those who are affected by any form of gender-based violence, and intercultural & anti-discrimination issues by providing practical and emotional support. This is individualised and can include safety planning; help to understand what has happened and work through the impact; advice and guidance; linking with other services within and out with the University such as the Special Circumstances Team, Rape Crisis, Stop Hate UK and the Police; and co-ordinating a positive, integrated and helpful response from across the University.

If you are living in a University run residence, you can raise issues with a Residence Life Assistant or Warden or the core Residence Life team. The EUSA Advice Place also has experienced staff able to support you on a wide range of issues, who will support you in whatever choice you make.

If you wish to raise a complaint against a University staff member, please see information here: Complaint Handling Procedure.

If I submit  a report do I have to meet someone in person? 
You do not have to meet someone in person - we can communicate with you through Microsoft Teams, on the telephone or by email. 

If you do wish to meet in person, for all GBV related incidents this will take place in the Health & Wellbeing Centre at 7 Bristo Square (central campus) and for all intercultural & anti-discrimination incidents at Old College Student Information Point at 16 South College Street (central campus). 

Can I submit a report but later decide not to pursue it? 
You can stop the process at any time. Please keep in contact with the team and we will offer you ongoing support should you wish this. 

Will the report be on my student record? 
No, the report is confidential and separate to your student record. 

Would you share the report with a funding body that supports me? 
No, we would not communicate with any external funding bodies or sponsors. 

If I name someone in the report, will they be told that I have done this? 
We would not take any further action without discussing it with you first.  However, if a formal investigation is launched under student conduct procedures or staff disciplinary procedures, the individuals cited would be informed and would be given a chance to respond. This is separate to the Report + Support process. 

When I submit a report, how is my personal data stored? 
Please see our privacy policy here.  

I really need help now - what can I do? 
If you feel in immediate danger, please call 999 immediately. For non emergency police support- call 101

You can also call University security if on campus on 0131 650 2257. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened