Racism is the oppression and marginalisation of individuals based on the colour of their skin, ethnicity, nationality, and citizenship. It is a form of prejudice, hatred, or discrimination against a person because of their skin colour and/or ethnicity and it largely affects individuals from Black, Asian and Minority ethnic backgrounds as well as individuals from mixed-heritage backgrounds.  
Racism can be overt (e.g., racial slurs) and/or covert in the form of microaggressions or subtle acts of exclusion (e.g., touching an individual's hair because it is different or asking questions like, where are you from?) and systemic racism. It can be direct when someone else, of a different race, would be or is treated more favourably than you or indirect when the rules and policies of an institution apply to everyone but disadvantages people from a particular racial group or groups. It can also turn into racial harassment when racist behaviour becomes threatening and aggressive, whether verbally or physically, being called derogatory names and slurs that are typically used to insult a race. 
Another phenomenon which has its roots in racism is called Colorism. Where lighter skinned people in ethnic minority groups are advantaged and favored over darker skin. This practice can span across ethnic minorities including Black, Asian and Latino American communities.  
The impact of racism on those that are experiencing it is damaging and long-lasting including feelings of upset, depression, loneliness, and fear. Racism is never OK, and it is never the fault of the person experiencing it. Therefore, it is crucial that we all work together to tackle racism and promote racial equality.

Learn more about The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights works to eliminate racial discrimination and harassment and to promote racial justice across Scotland. 
Learn more about The University of Edinburgh’s support and guidance for students who have experienced racial harassment or a hate crime.

The Advice Place is run by the Student's Association and is a third party crime reporting site. If you are a victim of a crime, they can support you.

You can call 999 in an emergency to speak to Police or 101 for non-emergencies. If not an emergency, but you wish to report something, you can report online.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened