The 2021 Hate Crime and Public Order Act will introduce new protections against offences aggravated by prejudice towards a person’s age.
It is expected that age related prejudice may make up a relatively small proportion of crimes, the new 2021 Act ensures that these crimes are treated in the same way as other hate crimes.
It is expected that age related prejudice may make up a relatively small proportion of crimes, the new 2021 Act ensures that these crimes are treated in the same way as other hate crimes.
The characteristic of age will cover persons of any age. Therefore this would mean that it does not apply only to a particular age group such as elderly persons or children and young people.
Read more on the 'what has changed' in the new hate crime law.
Learn more about The University of Edinburgh’s support and guidance for students who have experienced any forms of discrimination.
The Advice Place is run by the Student's Association and is a third party crime reporting site. If you are a victim of a crime, they can support you.
You can call 999 in an emergency to speak to Police or 101 for non-emergencies. If not an emergency, but you wish to report something, you can report online.
Read more on the 'what has changed' in the new hate crime law.
Learn more about The University of Edinburgh’s support and guidance for students who have experienced any forms of discrimination.
The Advice Place is run by the Student's Association and is a third party crime reporting site. If you are a victim of a crime, they can support you.
You can call 999 in an emergency to speak to Police or 101 for non-emergencies. If not an emergency, but you wish to report something, you can report online.